This package allows to setup necessary files for the ROMS ocean model.


This tutorial is for students following the ULiège lecture OCEA0036-1 but might be useful for others as well.

Using for the first time a Linux (or UNIX-like) environment?

If you are familiar with Linux and the command line you can skip to section.

  • Essential shell commands:

    • pwd: print the name of the current working directory
    • ls: list all files and directories in the current working directory
    • cd directory_name: change directory; "go inside" the directory
    • mkdir directory_name: create a directory
    • cp source destination: copy a file
    • mv source destination: move a file
    • rm file: remove a file (permanently)
    • find directory_name -name "*foo*": find all files under directory_name (including sub-directories) whose name contains foo.
    • diff file1 file2: compare two text files
    • gedit filename &, pluma filename & or editor filename &: open a text editor to edit a file.
  • Shell keyboard short cuts (also applicable to a julia session):

    • up-arrow: show previous command (similarly down-arrow show next command)
    • TAB: complete command or file/directory name if it is unambiguous
    • TAB TAB: show all possible commands or file/directory name if multiple possibilities exists
    • Control-R and type some_string: Search for a previously executed command which includes some_string.
    • Control-C: cancel the previous command (be careful to not to cancel your text editor session)
    • Control-D: close a shell session
  • Special directories:

    • .: current directory
    • ..: parent directory
    • ~: home directory
  • Please pay attention to the difference between upper- and lowercase letters

  • Presence and absence of white space is also significant

  • Avoid using directories and file names with a space in them, otherwise you need to put the directory in quotes (single or double quotes) or use black-slash (\\) in front of the white space. For example, shell command cd My Directory Name does not work, use one of the following instead:

cd "My Directory Name"
cd 'My Directory Name'
cd My\ Directory\ Name


Please register at:

To generate new forcing fields, register at (optional):

Required software

The tutorial can be run either:

  1. on your computer using a preconfigured virtual machine
  2. on the machines of the ULiège computer room
  3. directly on your computer (but all software has to be installed beforehand) if you are using Ubuntu/Debian. Other Linux OS will work too, but the installation instructions must be adapted. Mac OS and Windows (using e.g. Windows Subsystem for Linux) might work too. But if you are not using Linux, it is preferable to the the virtual machine.

Preconfigured virtual machine

A preconfigured virtual machine is available here. You also need:

The account student has the password tritro. In this virtual machine, all software is already pre-installed, but must be updated using this shell commands:

cd .julia/dev/ROMS
git pull

Then open a julia session (typing the julia command), and update all packages with:

using Pkg

Note, it is not necessary for this tutorial to update the whole operating system.

Installation on Ubuntu/Linux (or UNIX-like operating systems)

If you do not use this virtual machine the following software need to be installed:

  • Julia. Under Linux, you can install Julia with the following shell commands:
cd /opt/
sudo wget
sudo tar -xvf julia-1.8.2-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
sudo rm julia-1.8.2-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
sudo ln -s /opt/julia-1.8.2/bin/julia /usr/local/bin/julia

where 1.8.2 should be replaced by the version number of the current stable release. More information is available here.

Under Linux, you need to install also python3-matplotlib for PyPlot. On Debian/Ubuntu, this packages can be installed by this command:

sudo apt install python3-matplotlib
  • Julia package, PyPlot, NCDatasets, ROMS which can be installed by:
using Pkg
  • ROMS source. This example uses the version 4.0 of ROMS. We assume that the ROMS source is copied in ~/src/roms:
mkdir ~/src/
cd ~/src/
git clone "" roms
cd roms
git checkout roms-4.0

For the git command, you will need to provide your ROMS username and password. The output of the last command will tell you that You are in 'detached HEAD' state. (this is not an error).

Other required software typically available from a package manager:

  • A Fortran 90 compiler (e.g. gfortran)
  • GNU make
  • NetCDF (including headers files for development and the tools ncdump, nf-config)
  • perl
  • Python and pip
  • MPI (optional)
  • git (optional)

Note that all libraries (NetCDF and MPI) must be compiled with the same Fortran compiler.

On Windows, various ways exist to install gfortran, GNU make and other dependencies:

On MacOS X:

On Debian/Ubuntu, these packages can be installed by this command:

sudo apt install gfortran make perl netcdf-bin libnetcdff-dev libopenmpi-dev openmpi-bin git python3-pip python3-setuptools unzip

For example:

# to install a specific version use
python3 -m pip install --user motuclient==1.8.6
# or to install the latest version use:
# python3 -m pip install --user motuclient

I advice you to use version 1.8.6 of motuclient because of this issue. Normally you will see the warning WARNING: The script motuclient is installed in '.../.local/bin' which is not on PATH. Consider adding this directory to PATH. You need to add the following line to the file .bashrc located in your home directory (at the end of this file on a separate line):

export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"

In a terminal execute the following so that this change takes effect:

source ~/.bashrc
  • For ECMWF data, you need the package ecmwf-api-client (optional). Follow the installation instructions (including the ECMWF key). For questions related to ECMWF data access please also consult this document.
  • Note that the ECMWF key is different from your ECMWF password.

Check your environment

  • Check julia version:
julia --version
  • Check the Fortran Compiler
gfortran --version
  • MPI
mpif90 --version
mpirun --help
  • NetCDF
nf-config --all

or the old name nc-config:

nc-config --all

If you have nc-config (with Fortran support) but not nf-config, you can run the following:

ln -s /usr/bin/nc-config $HOME/bin/nf-config

Or set later the environemt variable NF_CONFIG to nc-config.

  • Check the motuclient (it may return vUnknown, but it should not return No module named motuclient)
motuclient --version

These commands should return a basic usage info or the version number if they are correctly installed.

Check the presence of ROMS.jl, in a julia shell type:

using Pkg

This gives you a list of installed packages which should include the package ROMS. Install ROMS.jl if necessary by:

using Pkg


  • The full GEBCO bathymetry (a subset for the Ligurian Sea is already included in the virtual machine)


Choose an area:

  • What interesting processes are present in your studied area? (note: now we all use the Ligurian Sea)

  • Are there in situ measurements available for your area? Look for temperature and salinity within your areas (for any time frame)

  • Visualize a couple of downloaded profiles:

    • Hints: in Julia you can use the package NCDatasets
    • How would you distribute the vertical resolution in your model represent this profile?
  • Check that your longitude/latitude/time range model of your nested model is within longitude/latitude/time range of the outer model providing the boundary conditions

  • Choose the domain such to avoid unnecessary open ocean boundary conditions

Atmospheric forcing fields

  • For the Ligurian Sea, necessary parameters have already been prepared and are available in the file It containts data download the from

the ECMWF operational archive (Atmosphere/ This NetCDF file needs to be converted by the julia function ROMS.prepare_ecmwf.

  • The remaining of this section explained how to download data from the ECMWF operational archive (e.g. for a different domain). These instructions are not needed now.
  • Adapt the file name, longitude/latitude and time range (start one day earlier, and finish one day later) in and execute the script as follows:

List of variables (*: quantities accumulated over the integration period ("step"))

NetCDF Variable nameDescription
mslMean sea level pressure
u1010 metre U wind component
v1010 metre V wind component
t2m2 metre temperature
d2m2 metre dewpoint temperature
tccTotal cloud cover*
sshfSurface sensible heat flux*
strdSurface thermal radiation downwards*
ssrSurface net solar radiation*
strSurface net thermal radiation*
ewssEastward turbulent surface stress*
nsssNorthward turbulent surface stress*
tpTotal precipitation*
sstSea surface temperature
parPhotosynthetically active radiation at the surface*

Generate initial, boundary conditions and forcing files

  • Adapt the example_config.jl file and call it yourdomain_config.jl where you replace yourdomain by the the name of your domain (lowercase and without space). For the Ligurian Sea, use liguriansea_config.jl.

    • Longitude/latitude bounding box
    • File paths
    • Time range
    • ...
  • For CMEMS boundary conditions:

    • You may need to adapt service_id, motu_server and mapping (if the model domain is outside of the Mediterranean Sea)
    • Data will be downloaded and saved in NetCDF by "chunks" of 60 days in the folder OGCM under the content of the variable basedir
    • You need to remove the files in this directory if you rerun the script with a different time range.
  • Run in Julia

  • Check the resulting files: bathymetry, initial conditions, boundary conditions, interpolated model (clim file) and visualize the these files along some sections.

ROMS compilation

  • Create a directory (avoid directory names with spaces) for your model configuration. Here we use the directory name ROMS-implementation-test in your home folder.
  • Compile ROMS:
    • configure ROMS by creating a file yourdomain.h (e.g. liguriansea.h for the Ligurian Sea) in ROMS-implementation-test:
#define UV_ADV                    /* turn ON advection terms */
#define UV_COR                    /* turn ON Coriolis term */
#define DJ_GRADPS                 /* Splines density  Jacobian (Shchepetkin, 2000) */
#define NONLIN_EOS                /* define if using nonlinear equation of state */
#define SALINITY                  /* define if using salinity */
#define SOLVE3D                   /* define if solving 3D primitive equations */
#define MASKING                   /* define if there is land in the domain */
#define TS_U3HADVECTION           /* Third-order upstream horizontal advection of tracers */
#define TS_C4VADVECTION           /* Fourth-order centered vertical advection of tracers */
#define TS_DIF2                   /* use to turn ON or OFF harmonic horizontal mixing  */
#define MIX_S_UV                  /* mixing along constant S-surfaces */
#define UV_VIS2                   /* turn ON Laplacian horizontal mixing */
#define AVERAGES
#define UV_QDRAG
#define MIX_S_TS

#define  MY25_MIXING
#ifdef MY25_MIXING
# define N2S2_HORAVG

#define ANA_BSFLUX                /* analytical bottom salinity flux */
#define ANA_BTFLUX                /* analytical bottom temperature flux */
#define ANA_SSFLUX

#define BULK_FLUXES               /* turn ON bulk fluxes computation */
#define CLOUDS
#define LONGWAVE
  • Copy the script to the directory ~/ROMS-implementation-test
cd ~/ROMS-implementation-test
cp ~/src/roms/ROMS/Bin/
  • Copy it to this directory and adapt it. Here is a list of changes that I made highlighted with the diff tool.

The lines in red have been replaced by the lines in green. The plus and minus signes indicates also what has been added or removed and the @@ indicate line numbers. These markers do not have to be added manually to the file

 diff -u /home/abarth/src/roms/ROMS/Bin/
--- /home/abarth/src/roms/ROMS/Bin/	2020-10-11 21:19:08.000000000 +0200
+++	2020-11-06 11:16:15.484841910 +0100
@@ -102,12 +102,12 @@
 # determine the name of the ".h" header file with the application
 # CPP definitions.

+export   ROMS_APPLICATION=LigurianSea

 # Set a local environmental variable to define the path to the directories
 # where all this project's files are kept.

-export        MY_ROOT_DIR=${HOME}/ocean/repository
+export        MY_ROOT_DIR=${HOME}
 export     MY_PROJECT_DIR=${PWD}

 # The path to the user's local current ROMS source code.
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
 # machine. This script is designed to more easily allow for differing paths
 # to the code and inputs on differing machines.

- export       MY_ROMS_SRC=${MY_ROOT_DIR}/trunk
+ export       MY_ROMS_SRC=${MY_ROOT_DIR}/src/roms

 # Set path of the directory containing makefile configuration (*.mk) files.
 # The user has the option to specify a customized version of these files
@@ -168,13 +168,13 @@

 #export        USE_OpenMP=on            # shared-memory parallelism

- export              FORT=ifort
-#export              FORT=gfortran
+# export              FORT=ifort
+export              FORT=gfortran
 #export              FORT=pgi

 #export         USE_DEBUG=on            # use Fortran debugging flags
  export         USE_LARGE=on            # activate 64-bit compilation
-#export       USE_NETCDF4=on            # compile with NetCDF-4 library
+export       USE_NETCDF4=on            # compile with NetCDF-4 library
 #export   USE_PARALLEL_IO=on            # Parallel I/O with NetCDF-4/HDF5

If you do not have the tool nf-config, you need to add this line export NF_CONFIG=nc-config.

For ROMS 4.0 and gfortran 11.2, you need to add -fallow-argument-mismatch to FFLAGS in Compilers/ from the ROMS source files. This is expected to be fixed in upcoming version of ROMS.

  • Review your changes with:
diff ~/src/roms/ROMS/Bin/
  • compile ROMS by running:
./ -j 2
  • copy varinfo.dat from ~/src/roms/ROMS/External/varinfo.dat in your directory for your simulation (e.g. ROMS-implementation-test):
cp ~/src/roms/ROMS/External/varinfo.dat .

ROMS model domain configuration

  • copy from ~/src/roms/User/External/ in the directory ~/ROMS-implementation-test:
cp  ~/src/roms/User/External/ .
  • check the glossary at the end of this file for the meaning of the keys that we will change

  • when editing this file, do not use "tabs".

  • adapt MyAppCPP and change it to LIGURIANSEA

  • adapt file names VARNAME, GRDNAME, ININAME, BRYNAME, CLMNAME, FRCNAME and NFFILES (varinfo.dat,,,,, liguriansea2019_*.nc, * means the different variables). NFFILES is the number of forcing files.

  • also make sure that these variables are set (number of files with boundary conditions and climatology). If they do not exist, they need to be added (before the line with BRYNAME).

  • change Lm, Mm and N based on the dimensions of your grid (make sure to read the glossary for these variable in

  • read the desciption about "lateral boundary conditions" and adapt boundaries LBC:

    • use closed (Clo) for boundaries without sea-point
    • for open boundaries:
      • free-surface: Chapman implicit (Cha)
      • 2D U/V-momentum: Flather (Fla)
      • 3D U/V-momentum, temperature, salinity: Radiation with nudging (RadNud)
      • mixing TKE: Radiation (Rad)
  • set the starting time and time reference

DSTART = ...
TIME_REF =  18581117

where DSTART is here the number of days since 1858-11-17 or November 17, 1858 (see also modified Julia day) of the start of the model simulation (t0 in the julia script). For instance the number of days since 2014-01-01 (year-month-day) can be computed by of following commands in Julia:

using Dates
Date(2020,1,1) - Date(1858,11,17)

The inverse operation can be done with:

using Dates
Date(1858,11,17) + Day(58849)

You can use DateTime if you want to specify hour, minutes or seconds.

  • Adapt the length of a time step DT (in seconds) and number of time steps NTIMES
  • DT can be 300 seconds
  • Initially we choose:
    • NTIMES -> number of time step corresponding to 2 days (e.g. 2*24*60*60/DT where DT is the time steps in seconds)
    • NHIS, NAVG-> number of time steps corresponding to 1 hour
    • NRST -> number of time steps correspond to 1 hour

Nudging towards "climatology"

The nudging towards "climatology" is an optional step to avoid issue (like sharp gradients) near the open sea boundaries. A flow relexation zone can be implemented in ROMS by using the followings settings:

LtracerCLM == T T  ! enable processing of CLIM data
LnudgeTCLM == T T  ! nudge to CLIM data
TNUDG == 2*10.0d0                    ! days

Make nudging on inflow is stronger than on outflow

OBCFAC == 10.0d0                      ! nondimensional

Set also NUDNAME to the file name create by the julia script.

  • Make sure that THETA_S, THETA_B, TCLINE, Vtransform and Vstretching match the values in your julia script.

  • Review your changes with:

diff  ~/src/roms/User/External/


Run ROMS without MPI

  • To run ROMS without MPI, one need to disable MPI in The ROMS binary will be called romsS and call be called by:
./romsS < | tee roms.out

Run ROMS with MPI

  • How many CPU cores does your machine have? You can use the command top in a shell terminal followed by 1.
  • In set USE_MPI=on (which is actually the default value)
  • Recompile ROMS
  • Change in the parameters NtileI and NtileJ. The number of CPU cores should be NtileI * NtileJ.
  • Run ROMS with, e.g.
mpirun -np 4 ./romsM | tee roms.out

where 4 is the number of cores to use. To use 4 CPUs, you need to set NtileI to 2 and NtileJ to 2.

With the command tee the normal screen output will be place in the file roms.out but still be printed on the screen.

  • A problem? What does the error message say?

  • Outputs are in and, plot some variables like sea surface height and sea surface temperature at the beginning and the end of the simulation.

  • In Julia, force figure 1 and to 2 to have the same color-bar.

figure(); p1 = pcolor(randn(3,3)); colorbar()
figure(); p2 = pcolor(randn(3,3)); colorbar()
  • If everything runs fine,
    • is the model still stable with a longer time steps (DT) ?
    • increase the number of time steps (NTIMES)
    • possibly adapt the frequency at which you save the model results (NHIS, NAVG,NRST)

Interpreting ROMS output

  • Check minimum and maximum value of the different parameters
 NLM: GET_STATE - Read state initial conditions,             t = 57235 00:00:00
                   (Grid 02, File:, Rec=0182, Index=1)
                - free-surface
                   (Min = -4.63564634E-01 Max = -3.63838434E-01)
  • The barotropic, baroclinic and Coriolis Courant number should be smaller than 1
 Minimum barotropic Courant Number =  2.09670689E-02
 Maximum barotropic Courant Number =  5.56799674E-01
 Maximum Coriolis   Courant Number =  1.71574766E-03
  • Information
    • energy (kinetic, potential, total) and volume
    • maximum Courant number
          C => (i,j,k)       Cu            Cv            Cw         Max Speed

 346200 57235 00:00:00  2.691184E-03  1.043099E+04  1.043099E+04  6.221264E+13  01
          (079,055,30)  9.266512E-02  4.949213E-02  0.000000E+00  1.081862E+00


Check out satellite data (e.g. sea surface temperature, sea surface height) at:

Make some comparison with satellite and the downloaded in situ observation

Hydrodynamic model troubleshooting

Hydrodynamic model troubleshooting

More information